Minggu, 02 September 2012

10 Main Web Design UK Mistakes

10 Main Web Design UK Mistakes

Community for Rural Education Stewardship and Technology (CREST) a project for students and teachers, uses Web design, ethnography, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to address community challenges in rural areas of Maine. This Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) project is funded by the National Science Foundation and supported by the Learning Resource Center at EDC, see more on ITEST at itestlrc.edc.org.

Bridging Culture, Community, and Science (ITEST Maine)

A high quality website is important for successful business as it drives and converts more clicks into more sales and revenue. A lot of people underestimate the importance of website design, however, it plays a key role in website optimisation. Experienced web design UK companies know how to create a properly laid website and draw in the visitors, but there are budding website designers that make common mistakes and fail to encourage customers into the site.

1.The user should understand what the website is about in seconds

It’s important to make the site comprehensible. If the visitors can’t figure out what the website is about in a couple of seconds, they’ll just leave it to save their time.

2.The content should be scannable for visitors and easily manageable for website owners

Web design UK experts recommend the beginners to avoid large blocks of text as this makes it difficult to scan through the entire content. Professional web designers offer a flexible content management system that allows website owners to control the access to data and regularly upgrade their websites.

3.The text should be readable and without mistakes

The fonts of the website’s content should be readable. Of course, there are some fonts that may give the site a sophisticated look, but they are not always readable. The main objective of the website designer is to deliver a message and get the visitors reading the content of the site, that’s why experienced specialists make the process comfortable for potential clients. Besides, it’s very important that the site doesn’t have spelling or grammatical mistakes. It’s not a web design UK mistake, but it’s one of the most important factors affecting the overall quality of websites.

4.PDF files for online reading

Internet users don’t like coming across PDF files while browsing because it breaks their pace, that’s why web design UK professionals recommend to avoid giving links for PDF files.

5.Links should be visible

Internet users should easily understand what is clickable and what is not. That’s why the links should be of a contrasting colour (as a rule, it’s blue) and underlined. Apart from that, the visited links should change colour to help visitors locate themselves more easily around the site and avoid visiting the same pages unintentionally.

6.New browser windows

Some budding website designers think that if the visitor opens new browser window for external links, he or she will never leave the website. However, this is a mistake; experienced web design UK specialists let users control whether they want the links to open, that’s why all browsers have a ‘Back’ button.

7.Navigation structure should be simple

Nobody wants to confuse readers about the information they are looking for, so it’s important to make sure that the website has a clear navigation structure.

8.Registration requirement

It’s really important not to force visitors to register at the website, leave their email addresses and other details. They should decide themselves whether they want to register or not; otherwise, they can leave the website, not willing to spend their precious time for registration.

9.Music at websites

Several years ago web design UK specialists tried to successfully integrate music into websites, however, this hasn’t brought success and more visitors to websites. In case web designers find music an inseparable part of their website, it’s important to let the visitors have a chance to switch it off whenever they want.

10.Pop ups

It’s vital not to use pop ups since they may contain information the visitor doesn’t need; this may lead to users’ dissatisfaction with what they see at the website, which can make them leave it right away.


This article contains the main web design UK mistakes, however, their number is much bigger and it’s important to avoid them to draw the visitors’ attention and encourage them to research the site.

More 10 Main Web Design UK Mistakes Articles

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