Jumat, 06 Juli 2012

Web Design - Definition And Importance Of Dominance [webdesign4tutorial.blogspot.com]

Web Design - Definition And Importance Of Dominance [webdesign4tutorial.blogspot.com]

In addition to providing a number of new, interactive features to S-NET's clients, OneIMS also based much of the website's copy on S-NET's new tagline, “We Define Cloud Communications.” Some of S-NET's offerings, like VoIP and ... This isn't a one-size ... OneIMS Launches New Website for S-NET

The domain of the word is the noun of the verb "dominate." Dominate the media to dominate or control. When we speak of dominance in relation to web design is about creating the design elements so call the visitor's attention without being distracted to another part of web design.

When the web design task is taken in hand there are many different aspects need to be presented on the website. Some of these elements are such that they have to capture the attention of visitors. Such elements play a key role in the success of a website and is called the focal points. Coordinating these elements must be designed in such a way that will prevail over the other elements. It is here that the domain comes into play.

Domination is a terminology, since without a recession the dominant element can not exist.

This implies that some element of contrast or reference factor must be present for any other factor to be dominant. In the case of web design the central part of the need to attract visitors' attention has to be dominant over other elements.

There are three levels of proficiency and this depends on the magnitude of importance.

The amount of care varies according to the dominant level. Main factors are stress, factors of secondary importance and emphasis tertiary factors. The main emphasis factors refer to elements that remain in focus with maximum visual appeal and dominant over the rest of the elements. Minor elements refer to elements of mediocre importance, is not as dominant as the elements of primary care and are generally referred to as sub-dominant elements.

The elements of tertiary importance relate to minor elements, especially in relation to the other two and are usually referred to as subordinate elements.

If the principle of domination is not practiced, the website can be ready, but this type of website usually confuse the visitor. What if he / she can concentrate on the bigger problem. Now that every web designer knows that the success of any website when the visitor can focus on the parts or elements of the website played a key role in converting visitors into buyers. The key elements or focal must be designed so that the visitor's attention is taken directly to her. This is where control comes into play. The key element is supposed to draw visitors' attention and lure him / her on the show, at the option of web site designer.

In the absence of the dominant element of the visitor's attention can be diverted to something that is not very productive for the owner of the website and in this situation the visitor's visit may be useless for the website.

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Question by ur near me: can anyone give me a simple definition of what web design is? help please? Best answer for can anyone give me a simple definition of what web design is?:

Answer by Dave
designing websites...

Answer by Ayla
The name is self explanatory, lol. It's designing the layout, the look and feel.

Answer by Yuri K
thats a topic that many have debated countless hours over, the 2 meanings that it has are web design is the job of a web designer, a person who designs webpages, draws them in some graphics program, like photoshop. (thats the real meaning, but many people new to the web, mistake the web designers for people who develop and design websites) basically Web designers are usually referred to people who make websites. web design is the design of a website, visually and layout. but it also often means the design of the code making up the website.

Answer by Glenn P
the process of planning and devloping a web-based presentation or application that will bring about an intended result. In today's market it's also assumed that the web designer produces the design as well.

[web design definitions]

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